チャリティーLIVE ~シェアリングSharing vol.1 2020.7.26 日曜






Charity concert series for live house in Sapporo.

The theme of this concert is "sharing our sorrow".

Don’t overdo. Accepting hardships. And sharing sorrow about covid19 with everyone.

Artists heal audience by music, audience make artists feel relieved by rooting.

We donate full proceeds to venue.

チャリティーLIVE ~シェアリング vol.1

Charity LIVE~Sharing vol.1

【日時 Date】


開場 19:00 開演 19:30 終演 21:00

26th July Sunday, 2020

open 19:00 start 19:30 end 21:00

【新型コロナウイルスの感染予防対策 Infection control for COVID-19】


Please bring own mask, if you don't have we will sell a mask ¥100/sheet.


Please use hand sanitization at reception.


Taking break time In between performance and open the entrance door for ventilating.


The venue is supported to have 60 seats with table, but limited 20 seats with table becouse keeping interval between seats. And increase the distance from stage.

【公式テーマソング Official theme song】

The Planes Stopped Flying / David SweetLow


【料金 Charge】

¥2000 (1ドリンク付 including a drink)


Reservation priority limited 20 seats.


If you did't have a reservation we will have a few seats.

【会場 Venue】

wiz you (旧バリハイ)


Noguchi BLD 3F, South 6 jo, West 4 chome, Chuo-ku, Sapporo


5 minutes waking from Susukino station

【出演 Acts】

☆デビッド・スイートロウ David SweetLow




ハリウッド映画『Concrete and Blood』やカルチャー・クラブ、クリフ・リチャード等に楽曲提供を行う。



⇒David SweetLow brings together a gentle folk sound and a well-traveled perspective in his music. There’s an immediate delicate warmth to the songs as they start to play, the acoustic guitar picking and SweetLow’s near-whispered, smooth and heartfelt vocals walk hand-in-hand as the songs pour through. It’s an easy kind of ambiance to embrace and be simultaneously embraced by.

His lyrics paint an appealing picture of gratitude and a simple appreciation for life and the world. There’s a poetic aura to many of the songs, as well as, in equal parts, personal intimacy, so his songs feel both accessible and truthful to the artist behind them.

The more you listen to David's lyrics and intricate melodies the more you'll learn about the artist behind them. There’s a softness to his presentation that resonates the calming energy of his music. His beautifully crafted lines and ideas, which often rise in intensity during his songs will lead you to a deeper connection. Some of his vocal and production work are quite stunning actually, simple but effective in bringing through the central idea in a manner that’s likely to keep his audience sharing in his deep sentiment right there in the moment.

Official Homepage


☆Bob & Justin



⇒The UK’s Bob Logan, who’s not only a singer, songwriter, incredible audio engineer and producer joins forces with America’s Indie rocker, Justin Gambino, to create and debut new and never before heard experimental united sounds of alternative-country-folk-pop as a stepping stone to their next era as an incredibly talented duo.

☆美月 Mizuki


2019年2月8日、ソロ活動初のワンマンライブ『これからの私、これまでの私』を超満員で成功させ、同日1st シングルも発売。

同年8月30日、2nd Single のレコ発を兼ねたバースデーワンマンを開催。

サントリーとサツドラのコラボレーション企画『超レモンサワー』のイメージキャラクターに選出され、PRムービーではレモンの被り物で演歌に挑戦! サツドラ店内、カラオケJOYSOUNDで視聴可能。


Female singer in Sapporo. Mizuki succeeded 1st single record release solo concert on 8th February 2019, and 2nd single record release birthday solo concert on 30th August 2019.

She was elected as official mascot singer of Advertisement project of Suntory and Sapporo Drug Store, as commercial message model of ONZE ski resort.

《テレビ television》


《ラジオ radio》

FMしろいし『PINK PINK PINK』毎週金曜21時〜パーソナリティー






Vo 綾女

Gt 豪介

Ba 柴田将伍

Dr 慶吾



【お問合せ Contact】

MJプロモーション MJ-promotion


MJプロモーション -MJ Promotion-

アーティスト・芸能事業・企業プロモーション、企業案件キャスティング、 海外アーティストブッキング CD・MV制作受注 イベント企画運営・代行・コンサルティング、イラスト・デザイン・フライヤー、アー写・ジャケ写・LINEスタンプ制作、ステージ演出 Artist promotion,Event planning, Entertaiment business, literary profession